Your Memory Is A Treasure(Post)

    Baby it’s cold outside! The winter weather is blustering in, cold temps have taken over much of the country and we are hunkered down ready to finish out the rest of the month of February. And given ...

    Happy Birthday Colton - I hope the fish are biting in heaven. (Post)

    “If there ever comes a day when we can’t be together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay there forever.” Winnie the PoohLoss has an effect on every family. No one is safe from the heartache of losing ...

    Another Brick In The Wall(Post)

    We are steam-rolling right through August, my peeper friends, and it has been hazy, hot and humid here in the Northeast. Unless you have the luxury of a pool or the benefit of being able to hit the ...

    50 Things Before I'm 50(Post)

    Something To Be Proud Of First off - HELLLLLOOOOOO SPRING! Little bit of sunshine has put a bounce in my step for sure. And I don’t know if it’s the change of the season that’s got me thinking ...

    Pet Cremation Jewelry Buying Guide(Page)

    window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS = window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS || new Array(); window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS.push({ uuid: 's-2d003a9f-f423-4d07-876f-9dcaedf5a149' }) What is Pet C ...

    Meaningful Remembrance Gift Ideas For Kids Returning To School After Loss(Page)

    Bereaved children faced with grief need ongoing attention and special care that is specific to their needs. A child’s understanding of grief will depend on a variety of things. Their age, fam ...

    What You Need To Know About Roadside Memorials(Page)

    { "__shgImageElements": { "uuid": "s-55e3afda-c5da-4462-9cdf-79c2378e3123" } } You may have wondered why there are white crosses, flowers, wreaths, signs, and other items ...

    Cremation Jewelry FAQ's(Page)

    { "__shgImageElements": { "uuid": "s-4ff6d71c-4d3e-416b-855a-8a0f6888948e" } } Cremation jewelry is a personal and unique purchase that most families are unprepared and unacc ...

    Writing letters as a form of grieving (Page)


    How To Choose 3D Artisan Portrait Urns For Ashes(Page)

    window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS = window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS || new Array(); window.SHOGUN_IMAGE_ELEMENTS.push({ ...

    How To Decorate The Grave Of A Loved One - Unique DIY Grave Decoration Ideas(Page)

    { "__shgImageElements": { "uuid": "s-065c1fd1-242c-48ef-af07-0bf390070754" } } Rules & Etiquette For Cemetery Visitation And Grave Decoration Honoring the dead ...

    Can you bury your loved one at home? Is it legal?(Page)

    { "__shgImageElements": { "uuid": "s-5dde14b7-b784-4888-9532-56d657ad5c09" } } A Step-By-Step Guide To Home Burial After a family member or loved one dies, ...